Parent's Portal

Welcome Parents!

The following information is specific to the infant, toddler, and two-year-old program rooms:

  • Parents must supply diapers, wipes, diaper cream, bottles, formula, baby food, extra clothing, pacifiers, blankets, and stuffed toys for rest time. Please label all items with child’s name.

  • Children may use pacifiers during rest time. To reduce the likelihood of spreading illness, pacifiers must be kept in a child’s cubby or diaper bag during all other times of the day.

  • If you are breastfeeding, please discuss with your child’s teacher when your child should be fed breast milk, and when you would like to come in and feed your child.

  • Breast milk must be brought in ready-to-use containers. For health reasons, we are not able to store bags of frozen milk for extended periods of time.

  • We recommend that all new foods be tried at home first since a child could have an allergic reaction to foods they have not had before. Please inform your child’s teachers on the daily charts of any new foods your child has tried.

The following principles are excerpted from the Iowa Early Learning Standards (2006) and serve as the foundation for our curriculum.

  • Children develop knowledge of their world through active interactions with caregivers, peers, materials, and events.

  • Learning is sequential, building on prior understandings and experiences. • Learning proceeds at different rates in each area and each child; children will show a range of skills and understandings in any one area of development.

  • Learning in each area is interconnected. Young children learn best through experiences, which incorporate several areas of development.

  • Learning is embedded in a culture. Children learn best when their learning activities are rooted in a familiar cultural context.

  • Learning begins in the family, continues in early care and education settings, and depends on parent involvement and caregiver guidance.

  • All children have the potential to achieve the Iowa Learning Standards with appropriate supports and instruction.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1 for which a cause of death cannot be identified. It is not known what causes SIDS, however several sleeping practices have been linked to an increased risk for SIDS. Therefore, A Mothers Love has a strict policy for infant sleep placement.

All infants less than one year will be placed on their back to sleep.
Infants shall not be allowed to sleep in a car seat or swing for a period of longer than 15 minutes.

Once a child has been placed in his or her crib for nap, if the infant rolls from back to front – and is also able to roll from front to back – it is acceptable to leave the infant sleeping on his or her stomach. NO heavy blankets, stuffed toys or pillows should ever be placed in a crib. A request for alternative sleeping positions must be accompanied by a signed and dated physician’s note stating the reason for the request.